smart object agency

a marketing and advertising agency

they asked:

We are creating a landing page / mini-website that discusses our highlight projects. Basically, when a person clicks on our google ad, they will go to this page.

1) Create a short tagline and a short description about our company. The point of this is to grab their attention with the tagline (It's the absolute first thing they see).

The short description should be about what we do. Doesn't have to be literal. It can be a cool statement or whatever you see fit.

2) We need 3 taglines and 3 descriptions about the projects we're featuring.

Versa Products:

Go through the versa products page here, and come with a short tagline and short description. This project features a few products, but let's focus only on the first project, which is a stand up desk.

Marbl Orbit:

Again, one tagline and one description.

Zakat Foundation of America:

See project here. Again, one tagline and one description.

Lastly, please give us 3 ideas to post on our social media channels. This can be anything. Have fun!

I delivered:

Smart Object:

TAGLINE: Smart Object-for brands that want to catch attention, make an impact and do things a bit differently.

DESCRIPTION: We meet you where you’re at and see how far you’re willing to go. We believe in originality and expect excellence. We’re not afraid to make a statement and go down the road not only less traveled, but the one others saw, and drove on by.

If you want a message that resonates, a visual that excites, a campaign that inspires and ideas that make you say “that’s clever”, you’d be considered a genius to partner with Smart Object.

Smart Objects Social Media Ideas:

Feature a carousel of various companies who have evolved their logo over the years/decades.

IE- Coke, Pepsi, Uber, Apple, NBC, ABC etc

The team and their *quirks*, a reel post featuring clips of everyone at work doing their job with text overlay of a funny quirk they are known for. IE- Mitchell, can never find his airpods and makes us all help him look

The team and the fancy job description vs their version of their job description. Could be video or a carousel post, or an extended series of posts highlighting one team mate at a time

IE- Courtney, Copywriter- [Text of actual fancy pants job description]. My version: “I write all the words. I’m the word whisperer.”

Not sure if we’d be allowed to do such a thing, but some BTS work or concepts and how you got to the final result. Could zone in even further and feature video talking about why we landed on X final version vs Y. For example, in the MARBL branding, I noticed the note about the full stop being larger than normal and the reason why. I personally thought that was really interesting and it’s a great reminder to potential clients about 1- how much detailing goes into these things and 2-that Smart Object goes the distance and pays attention to the most intricate of details.

Versa Products:

TAGLINE: Sit Happens, but only with us and only on purpose.

DESCRIPTION: Versa Products granted us free reign to mastermind a creative strategy that was pivotal in introducing their flagship product, a standing desk…that, wait for it, can be placed on top of a regular desk, to the world. We quickly snatched that creative freedom like a seagull who sees a kid with a french fry, and ran. We contrived a spokesperson by the name of Versa Vick who is a real…word-that-rhymes-with-Vick. His only likable quality being his utter disdain for having your seat in a seat. As he galivants through the office, he narrates a PSA about the dangers of sitting (including the threat of imminent death). We also penned taglines such as “Sit Happens” and “Sitthead Problems” and “Do you have a S*itty Life?!”

Versa’s debut onto the scene was a smashing success, surpassing 1 Million in sales, just 4 months after catapulting into standing desk stardom. Because of this, they expanded their product line with the Zero Gravity Table and Exercise Bike, both of which we had the pleasure of photographing.

TLDR- We made an awesome, unique and funny campaign, made the client a lot of money that resulted in them expanding their product line. In turn, hiring us again…and again.


Versa- getting you standing at work so you don’t find yourself celebrating an early retirement, horizontal, in the ground.


The Versa desk is versatile, it goes up and down, like your mood. It’s also, technically, kinda-sorta good for the environment because you can put it right on top of your existing desk, so, be sure to send a Tweet to Greta letting her know you’re doing your part.

Marbl Orbit:

TAGLINE: We kickstarted a groundbreaking innovation for the film industry

DESCRIPTION: YouTuber, Josh Yao, started as an actor and screenwriter. He was searching for a way to film himself using his hands, without succumbing to the basic, static, tripod shot. He wanted something cinematic, with depth and creamy boca. Idea in hand, he prototyped the now Marbl Orbit, and came to us needing help making his Kickstarter campaign come to life, so he could do the same with his invention.

We designed in depth branding, including logos, colors, fonts, product packaging, and the app user interface, for the Marbl Orbit. We leaned into wordplay as a jumping off point and developed extra terrestrial-esque, galaxy driven branding that was full of intricate details and double meanings. That effort resulted in $500,000 being raised on Kickstarter in just 15 days, greenlighting the production of the Marbl Orbit, and in turn, a variety of products under the Marbl Orbit brand. One small step for Smart Objects, one big leap for film aficionados everywhere.

Zakat Foundation of America:

TAGLINE: Swipe right to…support an orphaned child

DESCRIPTION: You’ve heard the term “never judge a book by its cover”, but in the world of orphan sponsorships, it’s common practice for potential sponsors to request to see an orphan’s photo prior to committing to a donation. While the practice of judging someone based on looks alone is egregious in and of itself, basing a life changing donation on how a child looks is…not great, to put it lightly.

We created the #NoMoreBrowsing initiative, which included a promotional video featuring a potential donor swiping through orphan children on an app, finally “adding to cart”, a smiling little girl, and then continuing on their “no” streak.

Not only did this campaign bring innate awareness about how children are “chosen” in the orphan system, we highlighted new strategies and methodologies on how to support and, best of all, raised $760,000 for orphan sponsorships.